Industrial Spray Painting Booth
Blastechnik Industrial Spray Painting Booths provide a dust free environment for spray painting of parts after blasting. The spray painting booth is well ventilated to prevent the build up of vapours and gasses that can reach dangerous levels, and create a potentially explosive atmosphere.
Good ventilation also speeds up paint drying times.
The system exhausts air to atmosphere above the building roof height. Make up air into the room is through high efficiency filters to prevent dust being sucked in and deposited onto wet paint.
The removed ventilation air contains paint overspray particles. uCube high efficiency inertial separation filters are fitted to an exhaust plenum to capture the overspray and prevent environmental pollution. The filters are quick and easy to change once they become fully blocked with paint.
Each uCube filters can capture up to 30kg of over spray and maintain a filtering efficiency of 99.45%
The exhaust fan is a purpose built fan for the application. To prevent possible explosion the drive motor is mounted externally. The fan blades are made from non sparking aluminium.
Blastechnik Industrial Spray Painting Booths feature:
> Constructed of folded bolt together steel panels or, if fire safety is a major concern, from 2 hour fire resistant Rockwool filled sandwich panels, tested to BS476 Part 22.
> Bifurcated exhaust fan assembly. Fitted with non sparking aluminium impellor and externally mounted electric motor prevent explosion hazard from sparking. Exhaust fan inlet silencer reduces operators exposure to fan noise.
> uCube inertial separation technology high efficiency filters trap paint overspray and prevent environmental pollution from exhaust air stream.
> Electrical controls to provide pre and post painting air change purge to ensure no dangerous levels of residual gas and fumes remain in the painting booth.
> Digital or analogue differential pressure gauges provide visual feed back of condition of filters and amount of blockage. Digital differential gauge can be configured to shut down system or sound alarm should filters become blocked over established limit.
> Filtered fresh air intakes prevent carry in of dust onto freshly painted surfaces. Filters are fitted into hinged fixtures to allow easy access and changing from inside painting booth.
> Vertical exhaust discharge duct fitted with weather proof cowl permits exit of exhaust air but prevents entry of rain into duct.