Combo Recovery/Ventilation System
The Blastechnik Combo system is used to convert a shipping container, or other suitably sized enclosure, into an economical, safe and environmentally clean facility to carry out abrasive blast cleaning.
The blastroom is fitted with a TDF dust collector that is utilized to both ventilate the blastroom during blasting operations, and to recover the abrasive after blasting has been completed. Selection between ventilation mode and recovery mode is accomplished at the press of a button.
In blasting mode the TDF dust collector is used to provide the ventilation airflow through the blastroom at a rate of approx. 0.2m/sec (40ft/min). This will provide adequate ventilation to prevent escape of dust from the blastroom and ensure a high level of
visibility for the blasting operator. During blasting mode the abrasive recovery system is not running and the blastroom is operated until the blast pot and storage hopper are emptied of abrasive.
In recovery mode the TDF dust collector is used to provide the recovery airflow to pneumatically recover the blasted abrasive. After blasting the used abrasive is manually brushed and blown from the blastroom floor to the pneumatic conveying duct located at the closed end of the blastroom. The grit is pneumatically conveyed through an adjustable abrasive reclaimer. This separates good reusable abrasive from dust and oversize particles, and ensures only correctly sized and fully cleaned abrasive is returned
to the blasting pots. A critical factor when producing quality surface preparation work.
Once cleaned the recovered abrasive is stored in a storage hopper prior to being automatically recycled to the blasting pots.
The TDF dust collector is unlike convention cartridge type dust collectors, in which dust pulsed from the filter cartridges is falling downwards into an incoming upflow air stream.
The TDF is the opposite. The dust laden incoming air flow is from the top of the collector and the filter cartridges are pulsed clean directly into the outlet collection hopper. The airflow through the dust collector and the direction of the dust pulsed from the filter cartridges is the same direction. This unique feature greatly increases the filter cleaning efficiency and prevents the filter cartridges becoming clogged with dust. This results in the dust collector providing constant performance and extends the life of the filter cartridges.
if your production output is not high and you need an economical system to add onto an existing enclosure or shipping container, the Blastechnik Combo might be the system to fit the bill.