Blastroom Work Handling
A lot of time can be needlessly wasted by using inappropriate or no work handling equipment to process the workpiece through the blastroom. Selection of the appropriate method depends on the workpiece and the blasting requirements.
In order to assist in processing the workpiece through the blastroom We supply a variety of work handling methods including, trolleys, monorails, turntables etc.
Our most popular system is a winch driven trolley. All moving parts are below ground level so tripping hazards are avoided. This sytem is inherently safe as the operator is operates the trolley using a hand held remote pendant. Any obstruction and the trolley can be instantly stopped.
For light work loads one of our manual push trolleys will often suffice for transporting work pieces. If the load is heavy then a powered trolley is required. We have fitted trolleys that will move work pieces up to 50 tonnes in weight.