Powder Coating Booth
The Blastechnik W Series Recovery Floor powder coating booth is designed to provide a safe, efficient and environmentally clean facility to carry out powder coating.
The facility comprises of a painting booth structure, sub floor powder recovery system and TDF ventilation dust collectors.
The booth is downdraft ventilated through the whole floor area.
The W Series floor stroom utilizes a TDF ventilation dust collector to both ventilate the painting booth during painting and recover the overspray powder coating simultaneously.
This system provides a down draft ventilation airflow of approx. 0.3 meters per second (60 ft/min) which ensure maximum operator visiblity and no leakage of dust from the booth.
During painting all overspray powder falls into the W Series recovery modules from where it is pneumatically recovered through a series of below ground recovery ducts to the TDF ventilation dust collectors.
The powder recovery airflow is generated through a TDF Tru Downflow recovery dust collector. Unlike convention cartridge type dust collectors, in which dust pulsed from the filter cartridges is falling downwards into an incoming upflow air stream, our design is the total opposite. The dust laden incoming air flow is from the top of the collector and the filter cartridges are pulsed clean directly into the outlet collection hopper.
The airflow through the dust collector and the direction of the dust pulsed from the filter cartridges is the same direction. This unique feature greatly increases the filter cleaning efficiency and prevents the filter cartridges becoming clogged with dust. This results in the dust collector providing constant performance and extends the life of the filter cartridges.